Proficency Exams Results
Brethren, I’m proud to say that Gray Lodge had its best showing in many years at our annual certificate exam last night. The recipients are:
SW Doug Hissong, “A” Certificate
WM Kevin Roberts, “B” Certificate
JW Richard Fawcett, “C” Certificate
MM David Aguilar, “C” Certificate
To our brothers who sat for, but did not receive, a certificate, I am extremely proud of you all. Believe me, I well remember the pressure of that first exam and, regardless of the outcome, you have achieved much in my eyes. Your lodge is richer today because of you. As most of you know, one of my goals for this Masonic year is to improve our overall ritual and memory work. To further that goal, I would like for a group from Gray Lodge to attend one of the Forums presented by the Committee on Work. These Forums are instructional in nature and are normally held on a Saturday at a number of lodges throughout the area. I will be sending out more information on this soon. Again, congratulations to all the brethren who participated in last night’s exam. You make me proud to call Gray Lodge home. Fraternally, Kevin Roberts Worshipful Master