Fund Raising for Charity
Contributing to our many fraternal charities through our fundraising efforts.
Contributing to our many fraternal charities through our fundraising efforts.
Good news for the many volunteers who have been working on our bicycle project. Thru the gracious generosity of our newest brother Scott Hardin – our workshop has been lit and electrified! Also note the security cameras – we been needing that! [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”CAM00050.jpg” ] [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”CAM00051.jpg”…
Those of you that came by Saturday – Thank you! Tell your brothers ’bout the GOOD EATS they missed. Scott Hardin brought his BIG cooker over early and we cooked ribs & sausage all day – And we CLEANED UP!! Check out the before & after on the Garden Oaks cooker. Here’s the final numbers on the…
Eight brothers visited Memorial Lodge Thursday, September 5th and was treated to an excellent lecture of the Fellowcraft Stairway. Topics new to us involved the connection with the modes of music – notably the Doric (Dorian) and Ionic (Ionian) The lecture also included fascinating references to Greek Allegories – most especially Plato’s Allegory of the Caves….
Brethren, I’m proud to say that Gray Lodge had its best showing in many years at our annual certificate exam last night. The recipients are: SW Doug Hissong, “A” Certificate WM Kevin Roberts, “B” Certificate JW Richard Fawcett, “C” Certificate MM David Aguilar, “C” Certificate To our brothers who sat for, but did not receive,…
In recognition of outstanding service to Gray Lodge, the Golden Trowel Committee proudly nominated Past Master, Randall Slinkard. The presentation will be at our February Stated Meeting on the 5th. Over the years, Brother Slinkard has shown unwavering dedication to the Craft and to Gray Lodge, particularly reflected in his contribution and service as Worshipful…
Gray Lodge will have the honor of receiving our new District Deputy Grand Master at our March Stated Meeting. Right Worshipful Dennis Billings, DDGM will deliver the 1st communication from our new Grand Master. Most Worshipful Jerry L. Martin. At 6PM – Dinner will be served – Sausage, Red Beans & Rice – suitable fare…
2370 Barker Oaks Dr.
Houston, Texas 77077
Secondary Mailing Address
P.O. Box 941771
Houston, TX 77094-8771
Open Meetings If you would like to join us or come by to see what our Lodge is about, we meet every Thursday at 6:00PM for dinner.
Stated Meetings (Members Only) Meets the first Wednesday of every month.