Brother Leland Fox Memorial April 2nd, 2014
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Brother Leland Fox Memorial April 2nd, 2014

  At approximately 8:00am on   January 10, 2014 our beloved brother Leland Fox smiled and laid down his working tools to join the others in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. His family reports that over the last few days Leland”s health began to drift, slowing him down, and on Thursday…

Feb 5 Stated – Presidents Month & Golden Trowel
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Feb 5 Stated – Presidents Month & Golden Trowel

Brethren – We have an excellent program scheduled for the open portion of our February Stated meeting.    We will be presenting the Golden Trowel to Randall Slinkard and we have a special guest lecturer. Click above for biography of Randall Slinkard Our tiled meeting will open on the EA after the open portion.  We have…

Salute to our Veterans
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Salute to our Veterans

To our brothers who served – we salute you. And especially on this day to William Simmons who gave his life on the battlefield of Europe October 8th, 1918 – just one month and two days before the Armistice we celebrate now as Veterans Day. [youtube_sc url=””] [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”Simmons.jpg” ] [pe2-image…

Grand Masters Visit – A.S. Richardson Lecture
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Grand Masters Visit – A.S. Richardson Lecture

Most Worshipful Walter W. Rogers, pictured above with our Past Master David Pupo, delivered our annual A.S. Richardson lecture at our October stated meeting.   With seventy members and guests in attendance, the address was very well received and marked by a rousing standing ovation. The evening started out with a most delicious entree of…

Masonic Memorial Service in Glenwood Cemetery

Masonic Memorial Service in Glenwood Cemetery

At noon on September 7, 2013,  Members of Gray Masonic Lodge #329, accompanied by Knights of Ruthven Commandery #2 conducted a Masonic Memorial Service at the graveside of Past Grand Master, Past Grand Commander and first Master of Gray Lodge,  A.S. Richardson. [youtube_sc url=”mHGDOZmFVP8″] (click HERE to download original video – 650Mb) Service conducted by:  …