In 1929, Brother and Gray Lodge member W. S. Humphrey bequeathed his estate to Gray Lodge #329 as an endowment for charitable purposes, known as the Humphrey Benevolent Fund.
Since that time, the Humphrey Benevolent Fund has been dedicated to relieve the distresses of Gray Lodge brethren as well as the wives, widows, mothers, sisters and daughters of said Lodge membership. In addition, the Fund may be used for such Community Charity Projects.
In recent years, the Humphrey Benevolent Fund has assisted Brethren who were displaced by flooding in Houston, including during Hurricane Harvey.
You can support the work of the Humphrey Benevolent Fund by contributing to the Humphrey endowment.
2370 Barker Oaks Dr.
Houston, Texas 77077
Secondary Mailing Address
P.O. Box 941771
Houston, TX 77094-8771
Open Meetings If you would like to join us or come by to see what our Lodge is about, we meet every Thursday at 6:00PM for dinner.
Stated Meetings (Members Only) Meets the first Wednesday of every month.