
Thank you for following this link from Facebook.  I write, not only as Senior Deacon of Gray Lodge #329 in Houston, but as a Master Mason of nearly 35 years.  This note is too long for Facebook, but I ask that you read it to the end, as I believe you will find it worth your attention.

The day on which any man is raised as a Master Mason is one of the most significant events in his life; but on August 8, 2019, Gray Lodge will confer a MM that will likely be significant in the lives of everyone who attends.  On August 8, 2008, our Brother was on a mission in Iraq when his convoy was attacked, killing one American soldier and wounding four others.  For ten years, our Brother has dreaded the anniversary of that event.  Today he writes that for the first time in 11 years, he’s looking forward to it.

On August 8, the brethren of Gray Lodge will help our Brother turn his bad anniversary into a good one.  We invite all Master Masons, and especially those who have served our country, to join us if their cable tow permits.  We will serve dinner (and begin examining visiting Brethren) at 6 pm, and open the Lodge at 7 pm.  The FC exam will be followed immediately by the degree.

Because we expect a very large turnout for this degree, if you plan to attend please click here to RSVP or write to, so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone.  Maps and other information are available on this website,   Gray Lodge has no formal dress code, but we suggest all Brethren wear business-appropriate attire for this event.

If you want to participate on the degree team, please let me know at  Most roles will be filled by Gray Lodge members, but we will involve as many qualified Brethren as we can.  Please let us know which roles you would like to perform and are already proficient in, and whether you can attend a degree practice on Thursday, August 1.

I anticipate this may be the most moving Master’s degree I will have attended since my own raising.  For myself and on behalf of Gray Lodge, I hope you’ll be able to join us for a most special night.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Gary Wiener
Senior Deacon, Gray Lodge #329
2370 Barker Oaks Drive (near Hwy 6 @ Westheimer)
Houston, TX 77077