Gray Lodge News

Education Night Falls on Halloween!

Our regular education night happens to fall on Witch Hallow”s Eve this year. The lodge was open as usual, but we weren”t quite prepared for

Bikes Available Oct 22, 2013

We have bikes available for Small children, teens and adults,  We ask  for donation of $50 for children and teen bikes and $75 for adult

Gray Lodge Work Party Oct 13th

Brethren – We have several projects underway and we need your help  Sunday October 13th starting about 10AM. 1)      Power to the “bike” shed.  Ladders,

Sept 4 Stated Meeting Summary

The Four Cheese Ravioli was delicious! The open program greeted a visiting past master, and celebrated the REAL birthday of a couple of our good brothers.   A

Grand Lodge of Texas

The Grand Lodge of Texas is located at 715 Columbus Avenue, Waco, Texas and is the sole governing body of all regular Masonic Lodges in the state.

Scottish Rite

The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry.

Booth at Winterfest Dec 8th

Gray Lodge has been invited by  the Sugarland Skeeters to set up a booth at their stadium for their December 8th Winterfest. We will

Fraternal Greetings from South Africa

(Brother Wally Rowles is on the right above) Right Worshipful Sanchez received the below correspondence from Brother Rowles.  Some may remember that he gave an excellent